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"Reverence. Respect. Relief. Reassurance. Release. 
This wasn't my first natural birth. Not even my second. But it was my first home birth and as we welcomed this fourth baby earthside, I knew having the right team was crucial. 

Reverence- Serenity's quiet nature was welcomed in the first stage of labor. She suggested a walk- fresh air, a listening ear, and a few lighthearted laughs. It was medicine to my momma heart. And apparently just the ticket to transition! 

Respect- Serenity was not only respectful of our wishes before, during, and after the birth, she was respectful to our family, our natural remedies, the midwife, and our faith. Her agenda was OUR agenda. Period! 
Relief- my husband wanted to weigh in on this part and I do so love that birth is a team "sport." He said that her presence provided so much relief for him. As parents of 4 babies here on earth, splitting time is hard and having a birth doula like serenity allowed him to be with the kids when they needed him, and allowed HER to be with the kids when I needed him. She does every task, fills every role, with grace and gentle kindness. 
Reassurance- you know that feeling you get when your mind starts to wander where it shouldn't? That is not at all what a healthy happy birth needs and Serenity knew it. She helped maintain the positivity and peace I needed to birth to this baby. She kept my eye on the prize. She gave gentle suggestions to my husband, knowing I wanted his touch but her wisdom. I could cry just thinking about this amazing time in our lives. Some people have jobs, even careers, but SHE has a God-given gift for doula life. Truly a blessing. 
Release- even though this was my 4th natural (full-term) childbirth, Serenity still asked all the questions along the pregnancy. She encouraged me through the hard times and celebrated with us during the good. I had a lot of emotions towards the end of labor, right before his arrival. And she knew that, because she cared to listen. She knew I needed a release. And that's exactly what she helped provide. The victory walk to my bed was one I'll never forget. And the dinner she provided and made sure I ate- also memorable. 
If you're reading this and you or your husband are on the fence about having a doula, please heed this "seasoned" mommy's advice. The Lord knew we needed community. He blessed us with it. So use it! Serenity is your advocate. She will remind you of your plans. She will quietly do what you need. She will work hard without complaint. But most importantly, she will help YOU have the birth you deserve. Thank you, Serenity for your wisdom and support on the best day of my life!"
- Danielle & Paul

"Having Serenity as our Doula was a Godsend. Though we chose to meet her at the hospital when my wife went into active labor, she was ready and willing to come to our home, even though we live almost an hour away. Serenity had previously met with us and had a full understanding of our birth plan. She was supportive and confident during the 21 hours of active labor at the hospital, standing with my wife’s decision to give birth to our little girl naturally, without an epidural, and prepared to stand with us if the hospital tried to interfere with our birth plan. Serenity was not only strong and supportive to my wife, but was careful to consider my needs, as well. On several occasions, she offered to take my place next to my wife so I could grab a short nap, and encouraged me to eat for energy and keep hydrated. When it came time for the final push, I was strengthened and ready to be there 100% for my wife. Serenity was right there, coaching my wife to breathe for the baby and encouraging her all the way. She is knowledgeable, dedicated, and compassionate. I am so thankful we had her at our side during the entire process, from putting our plan together, to being a part of the birth of our beautiful girl. But, she didn’t stop there. She continued to follow up with us after the birth. She is an amazing young woman who absolutely loves what she does…and it showed in every aspect of her commitment to us and our baby girl. God bless you Serenity!"
- John & Elizabeth

"Me and my wife were very happy with her service. From the beginning, we felt she was somebody that you can trust. She was very knowledgeable about prepping for the labor and was very willing to help out. She was there and helping during the whole birthing process, making sure that my wife was as comfortable as possible. We would highly recommend her services."
- Keith & Camilla

"Serenity was amazing, she answered every question I had and was there whenever I needed her. Although she wasn’t there for my birth since it happened differently then expected she was there for me up until. I would 100% recommend her!"
- Nicollette

"From the moment we met Serenity we knew we wanted to have her around for our birth. Her knowledge and obvious passion left a great impression on us. Knowing that Serenity was not yet certified made us a little nervous but we decided to follow our instincts and believe it was the best decision we could have made for our birth. Serenity made us feel comfortable and secure. She was thorough in making sure we had a plan and supported our vision every step of the way from our first meeting, and until our daughter was born. During the labor and delivery, Serenity couldn’t have served us better. She was cool, calm, and collected which helped me better manage my contractions. She followed my birth plan and when things went not quite as planned, she had another way/idea to help me and the father. Not only was she amazing for me but for my partner too. At first, he wasn’t really for a doula; however, he kept an open mind and decided to try it out and he believes he couldn’t have made a better decision. After experiencing labor with her, he believes he needed her more than I did. She was able to give him a break when he needed one and emotional support when labor was getting intense. We both now realize what an asset she was in helping me to have a natural birth. This birth couldn’t have happened without her. We are forever indebted and very grateful for all that she did before during and even after, coming to our home to help us transition into parenthood more easily. We will always be sure to hire Serenity to be our doula for every birth, she is more than a doula she is a true friend."
- Becca

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